Cybercampus Sweden

Research, Innovation and Education for Cyber Defence and Security

Establishment Phase

"Government announced financial support for Cybercampus"

About Us

Cybercampus Sweden is a proposed national initiative founded by KTH, RISE and SwAF, and supported by the Supreme Commander of SwAF, Rector of KTH, and CEO of RISE. The planning group is now joined by MSB, Karlstad University (SWITS), Ericsson, and Saab. All universities and other organizations are welcome to join the campus Working Group and be a part of the journey and shape up the proposed campus. Currently, Vinnova is funding a pre-study through the new Advanced Digitalisation programme to prepare for the campus launch. Cybercampus Sweden complements other national initiatives (National Cybersecurity Center, Swedish NCC, CyberNode, and CDIS) with agile cyber education and joint research. The core team of the campus is also behind these existing national cybersecurity initiatives.

  • “En nyligen gjord studie visar att det saknas nära 200000 yrkesverksamma i cybersäkerhet enbart i Europa;

    — Källa: (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, 2021

  • “If our digital infrastructures are not secure, then most functions of our society are at risk.”

    — Cybercampus Team

  • “A surprisingly large number of organizations are involved in the defence of the Swedish cyberspace.”

  • “Cybersecurity must match the pace of Digitalisation in Sweden.”

    — Cybercampus Team

Ongoing Establishment Phase Activities

Below are some of the core ongoing and planned future activities

Ongoing Planning

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    Cybercampus Detailed Plan

    Extending the Cybercampus brochure we are building a detailed plan for the campus. This also includes securing funding for the campus. The base funding for the campus is estimated to be 100 MSEK per year guaranteed for at least 10 years.

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    Cybersecurity Roadmap

    The campus is currently working on a high-level cybersecurity research and education roadmap for Sweden. The roadmap is a live document and will be continuously updated with specific educational programmes and research activities when the campus is formally inaugurated.

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    Campus Location

    We are investigating different options for the physical location of the campus; the preferred location is Solna. This activity also includes cost estimation, size, possibility to host research infrastructure, etc. The physical building of the campus will be an important identity of the campus and will help us conduct both open and closed research.

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    Partner Workshops and Visits

    In order to involve different stakeholders from industry, public sector, defence and academia, we are organizing a series of workshops, where interested partners provide their feedback on roadmap, education, research, innovation and outreach, among others. These partners would eventually become the part of the campus once the Campus is launched. This activity also includes visiting international similar setups and learn from their experiences.

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    Communication and Dissemination

    This activity involves communicating the campus updates to the wider cybersecurity community in Sweden. These updates include the results of workshops, involvement of new partners, and fulfilment of ongoing Campus work, among others. It also includes creating the visual identity of the campus: logos, website, presentations, etc. Also, writing and disseminating the pre-study report is also included in this activity.

Future Post-launch Activities

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    New Educational Programmes

    The campus will develop curricula for new cross-university Bachelor, Master, and life-long learning programmes, can address the security needs of current and future digital systems. The campus will also facilitate the execution of these programmes across universities.

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    Need-based Research Projects

    Starting with the need for new cybersecurity tools and methods for Sweden, the campus will carry out different projects. Unlike, typical research projects, the involved researchers from different universities will co-locate and work in a more collaborative way.

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    Building Research Infrastructure

    The campus plan to develop large-scale shared infrastructure and testbed for cybersecurity research and innovation. This could include a testbed for open software defined networks, quantum communication, digital forensics, etc. This activity will also explore the possibilities to leverage on existing infrastructures such as CRATE and RISE Cyber Range. and EU

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    International Collaborations

    The campus will identify and initiate international collaborations with top cybersecurity researchers in the world. Among other activities, it can offer short-term mobility programmes to these researchers. This, in turn, will increase Swedish international visibility and will help attracting international cyber experts to Sweden. This activity will also create synergies with other Swedish and EU mobility programmes.

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    Other activities

    Provide an ecosystem for cyber innovation and help protect Swedish IPRs.

    The Campus will be able to provide timely, well-informed, and organizationally neutral advice and expert opinions to decision makers on cybersecurity and cyberdefence related matters.

    The campus also plans to coordinate large-scale EU projects.


Some of the past and future events organized by the Cybercampus Sweden are listed below.

Royal visit to KTH

April 29, 2022

The Swedish Royal family has joined a cybersecurity symposium in KTH where Cybercampus was also presented, and its brochure was released. The heads of the three founding members of the campus also joined this event. The actual work on the campus is kick started with a general workhop on May 25, 2022. In this workshop, 50+ people participated from academia, industry, public sector, and civil and military defence.

Partner Workshops

Upcoming workshops 2022

The aim of these workshops is to detail the How and the What parts of the campus Action Plan. These workshops are targeted to senior professionals at higher education institutions and to persons at companies, public agencies, and other relevent organizations.
Upcoming workshops;
Education: 2022-10-17
Innovations: 2022-11-07
Internationalisation and support for decision makers: 2022-12-15
Research: 2022-01-16

Agile Education Workshop

October 17, 2022

The purpose of the workshop is to define needs, requirements, and possibilities for the educational activities at the Campus. We will identify decisions that are needed by stakeholders in order to establish thriving education activities at the Campus. The workshop will be held on the KTH Campus, Malvinas väg 6B, room Q21 (third floor).

Workshop Report

Protected innovation workshop

November 7, 2022

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss barriers and opportunities when it comes to cyber security and cyber defence innovations. We will define needs, requirements, and possibilities to realize the innovation activities at the Campus, with the results from the May workshop as a starting point. The workshop will be held at RISE, Isafjordsgatan 22, Kista.


Internationalisation and Support workshop

December 15, 2022

The purpose of this workshop is to elicit needs, requirements and discuss possibilities for (a) international cooperation, (b) coordination by the Cybercampus of and participation in EU projects, as well as (c) how and in which form should Cybercampus can provide expert advice to decision makers. It is hosted by Karlstad University.


Research cooperation workshop

January 16, 2023

The purpose of the last workshop is to define needs, requirements and the role of Cybercampus Sweden for promoting research cooperation and building up a national cybersecurity research infrastructure. This workshop theme corresponds to Joint research and national research infrastructure in the Cybercampus brochure and is hosted by Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg.


Join Cybercampus Working Group

Cybercampus is being actively built and you are very welcome to join the Cybercampus Working Group. As a part of the working group, you are expected to join the campus workshops and other events. Your enthusiasm and level of participation in the campus planning project can lead to a prominent role in the campus once this is up and running. Your participation in the planning phase will also give you an opportunity to influence the proposed objectives and operations of the campus.
Details of the upcoming workshops are in the Events above. Please contact Paola Lundén or any of us below if you have any question.

Contact Info

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