About the node

[221012] RISE is running a national cybersecurity collaboration to accelerate research and innovation in the industry and public sector – a national node in cybersecurity.

Now, a collaboration and joint planning together with MSB (The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) and NCC-SE (The Swedish National Coordination Centre for cybersecurity research and innovation) continues, where RISE has been tasked by MSB and NCC-SE to build the Swedish competence community in cyber security. This competence community is part of the EU project ECCC. More information will be published in due course.

VINNOVA is responsible for the funding the node. Martin Bergling and Stina Gullander are coordinators for the work in the node. They are both part of the cybersecurity unit at RISE, led by Shahid Raza.

The node aims to:

  • The node will create a favorable innovation arena for the Swedish cybersecurity industry and contribute to faster and more secure digitalisation in Swedish business and industry and among Swedish public actors.
  • This will be done by bringing together business, academia and the public sector with the task of identifying, prioritizing, initiating and conducting research and innovation activities in the cybersecurity area.
  • In this way, Swedish competitiveness and exports in cybersecurity will also be strengthened. In addition, the work with the node will significantly strengthen Sweden’s opportunities to seek and win funding from the research and innovation investments in cyber security made by the EU.

Time frame and funding

The node’s work will continue until 2027. The first phase ran until the summer of 2021, now the second phase is running until 2024.

Vinnova is financing the node’s work with 19.6 million SEK during the period 2020-2027. The node has no membership fee. Contact person at Vinnova is Tommy Schönberg.

Security and confidentiality

Issues regarding well-balanced information security, security protection and personal data handling will be a high priority in the node’s work, depending on the serious threat to Sweden and Swedish cybersecurity.