The Cybernode’s radar pictures

[2022-04-07] There is ongoing work to produce radar images based on the security profiles entered. The images are inspired by the European Cybersecurity Organization’s (ECSO) market radar supplemented by a number of Sweden-adapted questions.

[2023-01-12] The work with the database is postponed while the planning for the new EU project ECCC is being done.

The node’s Market radar currently consists of cybersecurity producers of products and services, who have entered their security profiles. It is designed to easily access which of the node’s members offer specific products and services. The node’s “area radar” complements the market radar and provides an overview of the areas in which the above-mentioned cybersecurity producers are represented. Zoom in on the images to see which companies are registered.

Later, we may also produce radar images of other than cybersecurity producers (eg academia, Swedish industry, public organizations, etc.).