Interesting links

[2021-05-12] On this page we gather interesting links reagrding innovation and cybersecurity.

Feel free to suggest topics and news worth reading!

European industrial technology roadmap for the next generation cloud-edge offering (May 2021)

The report offers the view from a number of different suppliers on how European cloud development should take place.

”By building the next generation offering, Europe has the opportunity to own its cloud-edge
transformation and set up success for its “digital decade” on the global stage. Existing public
and private initiatives, notably GAIA-X, should be leveraged to align towards this common

ENISA-rapport om innovation och cybersäkerhet (Nov 2019)

”ENISA supports the efforts aimed to enhance the overall level of cybersecurity in the Member States (MS) both at a national and EU level. This report supports that effort by analysing how Member States are approaching innovation as a strategic priority under National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSS).”