Cybernodens samverkanskonferens för cybersäkerhet 2021, 2 december-21

Konferensen genomfördes med c:a 100 deltagare i Kista Science Tower i Kista. C:a 40 deltagare deltog online.



  • Ankomst, registrering, kaffe/te 


  • Välkommen 
  • Dagens agenda 
  • Praktiska frågor (lunch etc.) 


  • Kort om RISE / Sofia Fredholm
  • Kort om innovationsnoden för cybersäkerhet  /Martin Bergling
  • Vinnova – en bakgrund  /Tommy Schönberg 
  • SSF – en bakgrund  /Jonas Bjarne  


  • Secure and private connectivity in smart environments  /Panos Papadimitratos (SSF)
  • aSSIsT: Software Security for the IoT  /Bengt Jonsson  (SSF)
  • CLAS: Cybersecurity for learning and control systems    /Alexandre Proutiere  (SSF)
  • SMARTY: Secure Software Update Deployment for the Smart City   /Martin Hell  (SSF)
  • Cyber Security for Next Generation Factory (SEC4FACTORY)   /Christian Gehrmann  (SSF)


  • Rast, kaffe/te 


  • Octopi: Secure Programming for the Internet of Things  /Alejandro Russo  (SSF)
  • LifeSec: Don’t Hack my Body! /Thiemo Voigt  (SSF)
  • Cybersecurity for increased competitiveness  /Per Hjertén  (V)
  • What time is it? – about secure time  /Patrik Fältström  (V)
  • SEAS – Sustainable Energy with Adaptive Security   /Mikael Asplund  (V)
  • SafeTest – Safety and privacy protection when using test beds remotely  /Boel Wadman (V)
  • ForeFuture – Risk Analysis in Real Time for Cyber Attacks   /Anders Malmström  (V)


  • Lunch 


  • Kort presentation om Cybersäkerhetscentret
  • 13.50
  • Swedish cyber campus, a new initiative / Shahid Raza


  • Secure use of FOSS & 3PP /Peter Csaba och Roger Holmberg  (V)
  • CEST – Confidential Evaluation of Software Trustworthiness  /Luis Barriga  (V)
  • Certifiable System-on-Chip for Safety Critical Industrial Applications  /Jan Andersson  (V)
  • Data generation and knowledge sharing for intrusion detection in IoT systems  /Christian Rohner, Andreas Johnsson (V)
  • Secure Machine Learning in the Cloud  /Roland Hostettler  (V)


  • Rast, kaffe/te 


  • Trusted execution environments for federated learning  /Morgan Ekmefjord (V)
  • ARVOS – AI- and Risk-based Vulnerability Management for Trustworthy Open Source Adoption  /Emil Wåreus (V)
  • AI-based cybersecurity for CAN and IP communication in existing vehicle environment  /Stefan Brodin  (V)
  • SURE: Securing Reconfigurable Hardware in the Era of AI  /Elena Dubrova (V)
  • WebSec: Securing Web-driven Systems  /Andrei Sabelfeld (SSF)
  • TrustFull: Trustworthy Fullstack Computing /Mads Dam (SSF)


  • Summering 


  • Avslutsmingel 
Hålltider pass 1: 35:00: Secure and private connectivity in smart environments  /Panos Papadimitratos,
42:01: aSSIsT: Software Security for the IoT  /Bengt Jonsson, 52:59: CLAS: Cybersecurity for learning and control systems    /Alexandre Proutiere, 1:04:43: SMARTY: Secure Software Update Deployment for the Smart City   /Martin Hell, 1:13:38: Cyber Security for Next Generation Factory (SEC4FACTORY)   /Christian Gehrmann 
Hålltider pass 2: 1:07: Octopi: Secure Programming for the Internet of Things  /Alejandro Russo, 12:25: LifeSec: Don’t Hack my Body! /Thiemo Voigt, 23:19: Cybersecurity for increased competitiveness  /Per Hjertén, 32:12: What time is it? – About secure time/ Patrik Fältström, 42:26: SEAS – Sustainable Energy with Adaptive Security   /Mikael Asplund, 52:30: SafeTest – Safety and privacy protection when using test beds remotely  /Boel Wadman, 1:00:00: ForeFuture – Risk Analysis in Real Time for Cyber Attacks   /Anders Malmström 
Hålltider pass 3: 0:00: About the national cybersecurity center, 7:03: Swedish Cyber Campus / Shahid Raza, 21:15: HASMOSS/Johan Linåker, 26:52: Secure use of FOSS & 3PP /Peter Csaba och Roger Holmberg, 37:46: CEST – Confidential Evaluation of Software Trustworthiness  /Luis Barriga, 48:16: Certifiable System-on-Chip for Safety Critical Industrial Applications  /Jan Andersson, 56:00: Data generation and knowledge sharing for intrusion detection in IoT systems  /Christian Rohner, Andreas Johnsson, 1:02:20: Secure Machine Learning in the Cloud  /Roland Hostettler 
Hålltider pass 4: 0:28: Trusted execution environments for federated learning  /Morgan Ekmefjord, 6:13: ARVOS – AI- and Risk-based Vulnerability Management for Trustworthy Open Source Adoption  /Emil Wåreus, 15:11 AI-based cybersecurity for CAN and IP communication in existing vehicle environment  /Stefan Brodin, 25:21: SURE: Securing Reconfigurable Hardware in the Era of AI  /Elena Dubrova, 35:58: WebSec: Securing Web-driven Systems  /Andrei Sabelfeld, 48:39: TrustFull: Trustworthy Fullstack Computing /Mads Dam

Nedan är konferensens projektpresentationer i bokstavsordning.